Mental Health Counseling & Therapy in Oviedo, Florida
Also serving surrounding areas: Orlando, Winter Park, Winter Springs, Longwood, casselberry, Lake Mary, & Sanford
We provide Telehealth for residents located anywhere in Florida

Have you hit an emotional breaking point and don’t know how to move forward?
Do you struggle with anger? You’ve tried everything to not lash out, but nothing seems to work?
Are you feeling “stressed out” and overwhelmed with the current life circumstances?
Do you have a strained relationship with a parent, child, partner, or friend and aren’t sure how to move forward?
Are you struggling to overcome a history of emotional or sexual abuse?
Has pornography been a part of you life that you can’t seem to quit even when you try?
Are you going through a life transition and finding it difficult to navigate all the changes?
Are you often saying “yes” to people even when you want to say “no”?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you have made the right choice by being here. You are not alone. So many of our clients struggle just like you do.
Despite being smart, hard-working, supportive of others, and maybe even a little funny, life is hard. When our clients first come in, they may be feeling pulled in too many different directions. They may feel confused and disappointed regarding their career, relationships, and/or financial situation. They worry they are pushing others away. They feel guilty for turning to pornography again. They are emotionally distant with their spouse. They feel exhausted of caring for the needs of others. They feel selfish, angry, confused, lost, scared, exhausted, and embarrassed.
What they want seems to not matter. Their confusion and disappointment gets in the way of the life they want in so many ways. They aren’t the kind of young professional, friend, wife, husband, parent, or co-worker they want to be. They feel like they are failing in their roles as an employee, spouse, friend, or parent. And their confidence is tanking.
Before they came to see us, they were concerned about their future and wondering if they could ever feel happy again. They worried what their family and peers would think of them if they found out who they truly were. They wondered if they could ever have healthy relationships with others. And they were pretty concerned that they would never be good enough and have the kind of life they hoped for.
Like our clients, you deserve to put yourself first without worrying about letting someone else down. You deserve for your voice to be heard, be able to live honestly with yourself and others, and to live more freely and whole-heartedly. This is not out of your reach. If you want to walk in freedom and find healing, we would be glad to help you get there.
“You are not a problem to be fixed. You are a person to be known.”
At Sanchez Counseling, we value providing a safe space for people where your mess is welcomed, it can be held, and cared for. We believe that we are often most wounded in relationships with others, therefore we are also healed in relationship.
Journeying towards the path to healing and wholeness is not just about addressing the symptoms, but it is something much deeper. It is about addressing past wounds, wrestling with heart issues, and connecting one to their story. It is then by being met in those harmed places by a safe and caring presence is where we experience healing.
Our counselors want to walk with you in your pain, growth, self-discovery, joy, and healing.
Meet our counselors
Kyle Sanchez, m.a., LMHC
Licensed Mental Health Counselor #MH22338
Farrann (Wilkinson) sanchez, m.a., LMHC
Licensed Mental Health Counselor #MH21860
Here are some places to get started
contact us
This contact form is for those interested in counseling services only. No soliciting.